Before there were flat rates, the topic charge data was certainly even more important than nowadays. But it gets asked every now and then. In this article you will learn how to query call records in OpenScape Business using the charge manager.

Create a new administrator under Administrators > Administrators-List > Add.

Add CDR Administraror

  • User Role: advanced
  • Login Name: cdr@system
  • Password: Numbers and letters only

Change CDR User

Download the Call Charge Manager from the Service Center > Software.

Download Fee Manager

Extract and install the Call Charge Manager.

Install Fee Manager

Start the Call Charge Manger and switch to the Settings -> connection.

    • IP from the mainboard (or the OSBiz S)
    • Port = 443
    • User name and password from the CDR user just created

Fee manager configuration

Using the filter icon (funnel!!!) please select a date range.

Fee manager filter

Click in the menu PBX > Retrieve data. This will retrieve and delete all call records stored in the OpenScape Business. For testing, these TWO URLs can be used in the browser (this is what the charge manager does in the end).

Get URL:

Delete URL:

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