The display of the OpenStage SIP phone sometimes shows error codes. This article lists the error codes clearly.

In this table you can find more hints about the displayed error:

Error code Problem Detail
B8 Survivability Backup route active
DD8 Limited Keyset support AoR registered to a Keyset line
D8 Limited Keyset support Unable to register one or more DSS lines
LI1 Network Problem No network connection
I1 Not Initialised Waiting for data
LX1 Unable to use LAN 802.1x error
LP1 Unable to use LAN Physical connection missing
NT Limited service Error with Time server
RT2 Unable to Register Server timeout
RF2 Unable to Register Server failed
RA2 Unable to Register Authentication failed
RN2 Unable to Register No number configured
RS2 Unable to Register No server configured
RG2 Unable to Register No registrar configured
RD2 Unable to Register No DNS domain configured
RR2 Unable to Register Rejected by server
RI2 Unable to Register No phone IP address set
RS8 Survivability Backup not configured
RT8 Survivability Backup timeout
RA8 Survivability Backup authentication failed
WS5 Limited Keyset support Waiting to subscribe


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