The display of the OpenStage HFA phone sometimes shows error codes. This article lists the error codes clearly.

In this table you can find more hints about the displayed error:

Error code Error Condition Error Cause
D02 Unable to contact DHCP  
H2 Unable to register HFA main line Logoff: Forced client logoff due to an incorrect PreSharedSecret
H02 Unable to register HFA main line General Error
H12 Unable to register HFA main line No IP address
H22 Unable to register HFA main line No default route
H32 Unable to register HFA main line No mask
H42 Unable to register HFA main line No gateway IP address
H52 Unable to register HFA main line No subscriber number
H62 Unable to register HFA main line Tc-logon timeout
Ha2 Unable to register HFA main line Logon: Rejected due to missing LIN
HA2 Unable to register HFA main line Logon: Maintenance busy
Hb2 Unable to register HFA main line Logon: Rejected due to invalid LIN
HB2 Unable to register HFA main line Logon: No port available
Hc2 Unable to register HFA main line Logon: Rejected due to mobile terminal blocked
Hd2 Unable to register HFA main line Logon: Rejected due to incompatible security profile
HD2 Unable to register HFA main line Logon: No port ext available
He2 Unable to register HFA main line Logon: Rejected due to TCP usage while TLS is required
HE2 Unable to register HFA main line Logon: Client not registered
Hf2 Unable to register HFA main line Logon: Reject due to PBX version not sufficient
HF2 Unable to register HFA main line Logon: Rejected due to Logoff
HG2 Unable to register HFA main line Logon: Rejected due to Logoff progress
HH2 Unable to register HFA main line Logon: Rejected due to Shutdown
HI2 Unable to register HFA main line Logon: Rejected due to duplicate Logon
HJ2 Unable to register HFA main line Logon: Rejected due to already logged on
HK2 Unable to register HFA main line Logon: Rejected due to PIN not present
HL2 Unable to register HFA main line Logon: Rejected due to password not present
HM2 Unable to register HFA main line Logon: Rejected due to password not correct
HN2 Unable to register HFA main line Logon: Rejected due to invalid license
HQ2 Unable to register HFA main line Logoff: Normal Logoff
HR2 Unable to register HFA main line Logoff: Client not logged on
HS2 Unable to register HFA main line Logoff: Client logged off
HT2 Unable to register HFA main line Logoff: Forced client logoff
HU2 Unable to register HFA main line Logoff: Timeout expired
HV2 Unable to register HFA main line Logoff: OMCaction
HW2 Unable to register HFA main line Logoff: Hfa mobile user logged on
HX2 Unable to register HFA main line Logoff: Switch back to central system
HY2 Unable to register HFA main line Logoff: No bearer channel
HZ2 Unable to register HFA main line Logoff: New logon requested from the server
LI1 Unable to use LAN connection Network Configuration Error
LP1 Unable to use LAN connection Physical connection error
LX1 Unable to use LAN connection 802.1x errors
TT2 Unable to establish a TLS connection No SNTP server
NT Limited service SNTP server error

Please note that the last part of the error code indicates the priority and this is updated to the highest priority of the errors present. For example: When the LAN cable is unplugged, the phone will first display LP1. After the connection between the phone and the system is broken, the phone would normally also display H02 as a registration error. However, since LP1 indicates a priority 1 error, the priority of the H0 error is updated from 2 to 1, so it is displayed as H01.

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