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My main job is as an IT lecturer. This blog is created in my spare time as a side project. Currently I mainly create articles about Unify and XPhone, as well as other exciting projects from the world of telephony.

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Which extension has activated call forwarding?
If you come to an external OpenScape Business and would like to know which subscriber has been forwarded where or whether a call connection has been activated, you can see this directly on the telephone. In this article you will learn how this can also be seen in OpenScape Business.
OpenScape Business Ports and Firewall Rules
With the many features Open Scape Business offers, a complete overview of the ports needed would often be helpful. Tadaa, here it is.
Call charge manager in OpenScape Business
Before there were flat rates, the topic charge data was certainly even more important than nowadays. But it gets asked every now and then. In this article you will learn how to query call records in OpenScape Business using the charge manager.
Status IP station
If you are working remotely on OpenScape Business, you may want to know if the IP phone is logged in and what the IP address is. In this article you will learn how to get this information.
DLS search and search filters
Sometimes it is difficult to find the IP devices you are looking for in the OpenScape Deployment Service. In this article, you will learn how to effectively use search filters in DLS.
Update and flash Unify IP phone
There are several ways how to update the IP phones from Unify with new software. In this article you will learn which ones they are and how it is done.
Factory Reset for Openscape Desk Phone CP and OpenStage
There are different ways to reset an IP phone from Unify to factory settings. In this article you will learn how to do a factory reset via the TUI, WBM and via the DLS.
Error codes in Unify HFA IP phones (OpenStage and OpenScape Desk Phone CP)
The display of the OpenStage HFA phone sometimes shows error codes. This article lists the error codes clearly.
OpenScape Business Assistant - Takeover of write permissions (Write Token)
OpenScape Business users cannot make settings via Web-Based Management (WBM) at the same time. In this article, you will learn how to take over the write permissions.
Unify OpenScape CP and OpenStage IP phone key combinations (for factory setting and restart)
The Unify IP phones know three shortcuts to perform functions quickly. In this article, I'll show you what they are and how to activate them.